Study Finds This Secret Technique Ends Colic in Minutes
Colic can be devastating.
Is there anything more painful than listening to your baby cry, especially when you have done everything in your power to comfort, nurture, and love them?
Is the lack of sleep killing you and your family?
Staying up with a baby that just won’t settle can be one of the worst experiences of life. You can’t focus or concentrate the next day, you are short tempered and treat the most important people in your life horribly. But you just can’t help it, you’re exhausted.
Imagine how much better life would be if they could just stop crying.
Imagine what it would feel to be confident that your baby is happy, giving you the strength and energy to have a good day.
When I first met Andrea, her life was awful.
Allie, her newborn daughter, spent the night fussy and crying. Nothing she did seemed to help. The crying was so bad that it would wake her older kids and keep them up throughout the night making the next day a total nightmare for the entire family.
Now, Andrea was dealing with 4 kids up all night; she was exhausted.
Thankfully, one of our patients was a close friend and she recommended bringing Allie in for an examination.
A problem was found with the spine and after Allie’s first gentle and specific correction, I received an email in the morning thanking me for the first peaceful sleep the whole family had had since before Allie was born.
Andrea was NOT a bad mom even though she felt like it. Let’s see what the science says about colic.
Colic is a condition best known for bouts of excessive crying in a baby who is otherwise healthy. The definition doctors use is “a baby crying for more than three hours a day for more than three days a week”.
I’ve met some parents who would jump for joy if their child only cried three days a week. Colic can be devastating to your family.
WedMD openly admits “Colic is a bit of mystery.”
I don’t fully agree with that opinion. There is a strong relationship that exists with colic if you bother to look at the data correctly.
Here’s an abbreviated list of the “causes of colic”:
- A growing digestive system
- Hormones that cause stomach pain or a fussy mood
- Over-sensitivity or over-stimulation by light and noise
- A moody baby
- A developing nerve system
If we group the list by categories, we have two major areas:
- Digestive System
- Nerve System
1) Breast milk
I understand and sympathize if you are unable to breastfeed your child.
Formula does little to provide your child with the necessary nutrients they need while providing too much sugar and inflammatory ingredients, both of which can cause and contribute to colic.
It is possible to make your own formula that can mimic breast milk and have less of a negative impact on your baby.
2) Probiotic
Giving your child a probiotic supplement will help their digestion. Healthy bacteria is vital to a healthy gut.
Allie experienced such amazing results because, as it turned out, her nerve system was under stress.
Our doctors are not traditional or general chiropractors…this means we don’t ‘crack’ spines or only provide care for adults with bad backs.
A corrective (or structural) chiropractor measures and tests for irritation in your baby’s nerve system. For most people, the true benefit of a corrective approach is still a heavily guarded secret.
Allie was able to slept through the night because we reduced the stress on her spine and subsequently the irritation with her nerve system. After proper testing and analysis to determine the nature of the problem, the actual correction takes less than 5 minutes.
As the nerve system became less irritated, she was so relieved that she couldn’t help but sleep.
Here is a British study assessing a corrective approach to chiropractic and how it helped babies with colic.
Here is another study showing that chiropractic has the best chance of ending colic forever.
I know what you’re thinking…
You might be saying to yourself “I’m terrified to bring my child to a chiropractor.”
We understand that. You’re not alone or crazy.
That’s why we begin with a case review for every single patient that contacts our practice. Whether it be adult, child or infant, it’s important we understand your problem and explain in detail the examination procedure.
Whether it be colic or another condition, what do you have to lose? Except for those sleepless nights and exhausted days.